Egg is the first choice of every person who wants to be fit because it contains natural protein and which also helps to gain muscles
When compared to other proteins and supplements eggs does not cause any side-effects They are under a friendly budget
Egg whites contains full of Natural protein which contains all of amino acids which Helps to gain muscle proteins play critical role in muscle building human body consists of a lot of tissues including tissues for muscles this tissues break constantly and should and be replaced eggs helps complete this by filling proteins in the ones eggs are used even in some protein powder egg white also helps your cells to produce enzymes proteins essential for healthy metabolism and haemoglobin a which is a protein that transports oxygen to your tissues
Egg fat does not raise cholesterol level in body eating adequate protein help with weight loss
What does an egg contain
One egg consists of more than six grams of proteins
Egg contains of amino acids 1.3 mcg of folate,6.6 mcg of selenium,2.3mg of calcium 3.6 of magnesium and 4.9 of ng phosphorous
Lowers body fat as it contain good fat
Helps to increase body muscles
Improves in hair growth healthy nails
Helps in preventing breast cancer
Increase bone health and. Muscle mass
Rduces blood pleasure